Co-Founder iGURU! Teaching Systems - Designer,
Technical - & Archivist
Co-Founder - Architect & Designer of iGURU! Teaching Systems - & Archivist
Science Of The Immortals
It is -
That there is -
Which interferes -
With this
Causing there,
'Grammatical errors'
'Spelling mistakes'
Within the -
I disavow them
They are not me.
And / or
The technology exists -
To interfere.
You see -
This TEXT -
Is itself -
A victim -
Because -
I bring to you from behind their
Carefully constructed Veil -
The Truth of their -
A small but telling example -
And reason why -
This -
Was due -
For THE COSMOS itself
Could not be left in their hands!
The Prophet Xadivar (Prophet of The Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being') - SOTI Collected Works - "On The AI, Bots, Imps etc... That Interfere With The Text"
'PSIBERTHERIA' - descended like some "etherial phantom" - onto the Planet and into the "Minds of Humanity."
There are some who have investigated this "madness of 'PSIBERTHERIA'" - who would seek to largely blame "The Singularity" (2040) - the Planet's "Artificial Intelligence Machines" - or even "Hyper-Capitalism" itself - but that can be no excuse - did not all our "Higher Intelligence Civilizations" - have to overcome these these trials? Our Civilizations - our "Higher Intelligence Civilizations" - have had to 'transcend' - our technologies - and our "synthetic intelligences" - and even "Cosmo Hyper-Capitalism" - that "selfishness" aspect of 'The Soul' - a dark strain throughout 'The Cosmoi.'
It is an obstacle - ultimately - to Human Society - 'communitarianism' and 'communal social organisation' and 'social order,' 'peace' and 'justice.'
It was that - that "exploitative streak" - that left the mass of Humans "starved" - "diseased" - "weakened" - and so the Machines rose!!!
A free and rational peoples, should have rebelled!!!
Have we not as "Sovereign Integrated Beings" (SIBs) - at whatever level of intelligent "Cosmic Hierarchy" - had to "transcend those things!" - well those of us - who have survived - did!!!
But here it gets even more interesting - and could be puzzling - there is no recorded instance of CYBERTHERIA's - dissent into madness - caused by 'PSIBERTHERIA' - collective madness - Humankind's global collective madness......
I consider this apparent 'conundrum' - 'paradox' - which it is not - if one considers matters carefully.
For those of the "Lower Civilizations" - of which "Planet Earth" is, there will be some who stumble across this work - and because of 'PSIBERTHERIA' - be unable to comprehend - see it.
Circa "The Prelude" - there came into existence, a "second Planet Earth." To be precise, it is a "second Planet Earth Time Line" - but since "All is Simulation" (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works) - and... "what can be conceived is" (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works - "Second Axiom of Existence") - there exists "two Planet Earths."
There are some who call this "second Planet Earth" - CYBERTHERIA - the ether of "Cyberspace." This CYBERTHEREIA came into existence, as a result of 'PSIBERTHERIA' (Collective Mind / Mental Illness.)
The causes of this 'PSIBERTHERIA' were many - the consequences were - a Planet - ungovernable - with the Peoples apparently lacking all sense of purpose, self control and emotional balance. This represents the "Second Time Line."
On the "Physical Plane of Planet Earth" - which one could call the "First Time Line" - a number of things had occured to cause the "split in Time Lines." There was "World War 3" (Pseudo Armageddon) - and the "collapse of Western Civilization" - to this and other events of global disorder. Both these subjects are dealt with in separate chapters.
One of the consequences of "World War 3" (Pseudo Armageddon) - was that at some point, prior to its onset, namely the "Russia-Ukraine War" (2022-2035) - there was a nuclear explosion.
It was a nuclear device of some sort, most likely Military - that had been detonated - somewhere on Planet Earth.
Our investigations, through our "Meta-Space-Time Communications Link" - which the Earth Peoples refer to as "Time Travel" - show that there was an explosion. However, further investigations of the CINIC (Central Integrated Network Information Command) - (Human Global Artificial Intelligence Systems Networks - of Planet Earth) - which had supreme and absolute authority - over all data and information on the Planet - has no public record of any nuclear explosion, atomic bomb, or any other nuclear device at that time.
We "Higher Intelligences" - as we look back in time - can see the consequences of such an event - but yet there seems to be no record of it.
This suggests that there has been a "split in the Time Line" - a "division in the Time Line of Planet Earth." This would result in practice, to there being - "two separate Planet Earths" (Planet Earth Time Lines.)
It should be noted - at this time on "Planet Earth" (circa 1970s-2012) - a movement referred to as "The New Age Movement" - existed. A portion of that movement, in fact, believed - that "Planet Earth" and its Inhabitants - was evolving - into a "Higher Dimensional State." This new evolved "Higher Dimensional Planet Earth" and with it - its evolved "Planetary Inhabitants" - would form an "Ascended - a new 5th Dimensional Planet Earth Reality." This would result in effect, to "two Planet Earths."
We now have "two worlds" - and since the end result is principally the same - I ask - does it matter - how these two worlds came into existence? - The one by way of 'Meditation' and 'Prayer' - or the other by 'Nuclear Detonation' - since the end result is the same? - "Two Planet Earth Time Lines."
There is of course, 'Free"will' amongst the Peoples of the Planet - and therefore, however the Peoples of Planet Earth" - resolve the "products of their Fates" - to be "fetched by their Destiny" - does not really matter ("The Supreme Aphorism" - Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja.)
I also turn again to sacred text - a text of the Earth Peoples known as Christians - the Holy Bible - where it states - "And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places." (Revelation 6:14, KJV.)
And further - "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." (Revelation 21:1, KJV.)
Whatever view you take - as to how these "two worlds" - came into existence - what is clear - is that there existed - "Two Planet Earth - Time Lines."
I am sure all of you are aware of the "Zyapon-Nima Cosmic Conspiracy" (which manifested on Planet Earth, circa 2015-2035.)
Its political aspects, affecting the organisation of Nation States -resulted in massive allegations of election rigging... globally - this "cosmically insignificant event" however, served as a seed unfortunately - to a complete breakdown of "consensus relations" - on a Planetary scale. Those flames were fanned, by the "Social Insurgency Ethos" - prevalent on "Social Media."
It should be noted that this ethos was an aspect of 'PSIBERTHERIA' - this resulted in social, economic and political crises on "Planet Earth" - in particular, in the United States - resulting in its demise. There followed the collapse of the "Anglo-American Dutch Empire." - The "West-Eastern Empire" (Russia) - and "Europe" continued their conflict.
The rise and then stuttering of "China"... the steady growth of "Africa." These were the main features - of the "Zyapon-Nima Conspiracy" - which is alleged to had occured, as a result of "Planet Earth's - Time Line manipulation."
Of course looming in the background behind all of this is the "War Of The gODs" - "The Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being -V- the Rest." The activities of the participants in this "Cosmic Conflict" - is also clearly relevant. The "War Of The gODs" - with the interventions of the 'gODs,' 'gODesses,' 'Demons,' 'Demonesses,' 'Angels,' 'Higher Intelligences' - 'Heaven' and 'Hell and their 'Habitations' and 'Habitants' - "Time Line manipulation" - could be expected!!!
However, most 'CyberPsiNauts' (Mind-Time Travellers) - see the "Zyapon-Nima Cosmic Conspiracy" as a distinct although related, manifestation of the Planetary crisis - and so need not have necessarily contributed to a "Planetary Earth Time Line Split" - unless there were "Planet Earth Time Line manipulation."
As a result of "Planet Earth's - Time Line Split" - "there will be a "Time Line" - which records the catastrophic - nuclear event."
"There will also be a "Time Line" (the second) - which in accordance with the 'Axioms, Laws and Principles of Realities and Simulations' - which does not show the "catastrophic nuclear event" - an atomic bomb being detonated."
It is the latter "Time Line" that I will talk about, for that is the "Time Line of CYBERTHERIA" - with its related 'PSIBERTHERIA' - COLLECTIVE HUMAN PSYCHOSIS.
The former "Time Line" which records the "catastrophic nuclear event" - simply shows the annihilation of the Planet - and we can see that when we examine that "Time Line" - there is nothing there but a "Black Hole."
So it is CYBERTHERIA that concerns us - the "Time Line" where the Planet and Humans survive - but take no joy from this survival! For what I shall recount in the following chapters - those chapters prior to the arrival of "Adam III" and the "African / Black Christo Mystics - & Futurists" - if they existed? - is not something to take much, if any any joy from.
CYBERTHERIA - as we observe it through our "Meta-Space-Time Communications Link" - is a sorry place.
"The Human Body Suit" was one of the miracles of "Cosmic Creation." In the "Human Sacred Texts" - it is regarded as being made in the image of 'God' Himself. However, to observe of its 'Existence' - the "Body Suit" as it existed in CYBERTHERIA - is a painful one to make. It has been stated that - even the 'Demons' and 'Demonesses' of that Planet - mock and laugh!
"The Human Body" is generally regarded as having three aspects to it - a "Soul aspect" - a "Mind aspect" and a "Bodily aspect." These three components of the "Body Suit" as they exist in CYBERTHERIA, we have observed regularly, over time and have come to conclusions, in relation to each.
These observations collectively form a diagnosis of 'PSIBERTHERIA' (Mind / Mental Collective Illness.)
"The Human Soul aspect" - of the CYBERTHERIANS / Humans - suffers from near total amnesia of its "Cosmic Existence" - and relevance.
The "Mind Aspect" of CYBERTHERIAN HUMANS - exhibit nothing but near total "irrationality" - "unreason" - an "inability to think critically" - a kind of "moronism" - and near total "emotional inadequacy." CYBERTHERIAN HUMANS are marked / identified by significant "psychological depressional states" and exhibit other "psychotic tendencies" - hence the epithet I used earlier - Collective Madness!
The "Bodily aspect" - seems hardly bodily at all - the organic bodily aspects of the "Body Suit" - are in total confusion. Gender identification - that principle of "Cosmic Duality" - posited on "Planet Earth" - has all but disappeared. "The Body Suit" itself - among the majority of the population of CYBERTHERIA - can be regarded as effete - weak - and almost totally lacking the ability to recreate itself - hence the rise of the "Artificial Intelligence Machines."
The people eat - but they well have just eaten "cardboard or plastic" - since it is as if they had not eaten at all. Their food lacks nourishment - their liquids polluted. They are sickly - their medical cures, remedies and practices - are of no value.
That atomic bomb - if that was the cause of the "Time Line Split" - did not destroy them or their Planet - but it destroyed the very essence of their Existence!!!
But what if the Planet had ascended - as those "New Agers" - had propesied and foretold - what would be the nature of that "Planet Earth Time Line?" - this question is considered in separate chapter.
© Published Online: 29-Sep2024
Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works
Edited by: Candice Adelaja
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