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SIborgs . Androids . Robots

Consciousness . AI . Man . Physical Immortality .


"The 'Author' is Dead - 

Long Live the BOOK-IN!"

- Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja,

SOTI Collected Works



It is -


That there is -



Which interferes -

With this


Causing there,



'Grammatical errors'


'Spelling mistakes'



Within the -


I disavow them 

They are not me.











And / or 

The technology exists -






To interfere. 

​You see - 

This TEXT - 

Is itself -

A victim -





Because - 

I bring to you from behind their

Carefully constructed Veil -

The Truth of their -






A small but telling example -

And reason why -

This -


Was due -

For THE COSMOS itself 

Could not be left in their hands!

The Prophet Xadivar (Prophet of The Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being') - SOTI Collected Works - "On The AI, Bots, Imps etc... That Interfere With The Text"



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Of course - you first have to make a decision - decide -  whether you believe that "Adam III" was a "real" "individual." 


That question itself, is not as easy as it seems, even as we look back into the past from our lofty heights of 'Cosmic Wisdom,' 'Understanding' & 'Knowledge.' 


That past I speak of - is of course, "post-prelude" - ("The Prelude" being that time from say, approximately - 1985-2025.)


It has been said that it was "The Prelude" - which saw the first fruits, of what was to become subsequently, the trauma and destruction of "Planet Earth."


The seeds had been sown, in the "ancient world" - often referred to as "post-modern."  There was an "ancient ancient world" - there existed races known as Greeks, Romans, Ethiopians, Hebrews and others - but there were few records of this "ancient ancient world" and so it too, had disappeared into 'myth' - as had, much of Human History.   So - the "post-modern world" - was referred to as "The Ancient World."  The historical records that existed in this world - were so dissimilar to "The Prelude" and "Post-Prelude eras" - that ancient - was the only appellation that could somehow provide a link to those current inhabitants of "Planet Earth."


"The Prelude" - as it has been previously remarked, was the seed of what was to come. 


These seeds had been sown in that "ancient world" - in particular that time of nascent or proto - "Information Technology" (circa 1950-1970s.) 


It was a "Pre-Prelude world" - most certainly - there had been an "information - technological revolution."


The United States Of America still existed - there was what was known geopolitically as the "Cold War" - a rivalry between what was then known as "The West" and "The Communist States."  The leadership of these blocks were the United States Of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), respectively.


I shall not consider in this Preface, any further detail of the Transc-Geopolitical events of significance, the geopolitical context - or the global political textures of that time.  That time has long since gone - terminated - ended - by "World War 3" (Pseudo Armageddon,) "The Prelude"  and "The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum."   There followed that coterie of post "Anti-Christus, Antechrist, Anti-Christ" - global dictators, who ruled the Planet.  The epitome of this Age, some would say highlight of these rulers - was "The Great Dictatorix."

There were, as could be expected, new global geopolitical structures - the new global state structures which had arisen and now dominated the Planet.  There were the "Independent Merchant City States" - formed from the vast wealth of the "trillionaire dynastic families" and some of the "organised crime cartels."  There were "Cosmetropoli"" - mainly "Artificial Intelligence Machine" controlled places of Human habitations, alongside their "machine citizens." Though independent in principle, they struggled to maintain them, against the "Merchant City States" - and "The Conglomoramatons."   


"The Conglomoramatons" were territorially insignificant, but their power and significance, was derived from the curious mix of 'neural mind' (Human Biological Organic Mind) - termed  "Psiberspace" and "technological structures" - principally the "Artificial Intelligence Machines," commonly referred to as 'Bots' - that dominated "Cyberspace."  Their wealth had no physical existence - it was digital and therefore, infinite - and "The Conglomoramatons" dominated "The Planet."  


Finally - there were the tragic"Wastelands" - (which mostly Humans occupied) - and Trans-Humans, in order to maintain a 3rd dimensional link with Planet Earth - for they existed on another "etheric plane" - had a nominal presence and representation.  All these will be considered in later chapters of this work, so I shall not consider them in any detail here.


Here - in this "Preface" I shall consider that which was even more pervasive - more fundamental than all of the existing global, political and societal structures.  This was the technology of the time and its consequences.  As I have said, there existed - a nascent / proto - "Information Age Technology" structure, which had been seeded.  This document is "The Preface" - and I seek simply to sketch by way of an outline, those significant parameters, that shaped "Planet Earth's space."  


In later chapters / documents - I shall detail "the rise of Artificial Intelligence" among Humans - "the reign of the Tall Mansheens" - "the subversion - of the Small Desktop Sheens" - and that conspiracy of the Machines, which led not just to the diminution to the light of Mankind - but its nigh extinction.  I shall detail "the alliances of Humans - relations between the various, now existent species of "Planet Earth" - 'Humanoids,' 'Robots,' 'Androids,' 'Trans-Humans,' 'Cyborgs,' 'Bio-Organic Synthetic Cyborgs,' 'The Meta CyiMechanOrgans,' 'Zomu-ums,' and 'Synoids'" - all major protagonists - not just on the 'Transc-Geopolitical' scale, but what has become known as the "War Of The gODs"  - which did touch "Planet Earth".... There is just so much to tell!

However, in this "Preface" - I shall commence with an even broader canvas - that of CYBERTHERIA (the dimension) - 'PSIBERTHERIA' (a state of mind / the illness.)


Now I haven't forgotten "Adam III" - so hold him in mind - whether you believe in him or not - whether you believe he existed or not - since he is such a central figure in all of the events, that unfolded during this time.

Our researches also reveal - that in his 'exploits,' 'trials' and eventual 'conquest' of 'The Cosmoi' - the "African / Black Christo Mystics - & Futurists" feature - (they were companions it seems) - these records are simply quite incredible - some would say unbelievable!

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So hold onto both him and them - hold them both in mind.  I shall return to them, but I would do neither the times - nor yourselves justice or good service - if I did not first speak of CYBERTHERIA, 'PSiBERTHERIA' and their impact on "Planet Earth."


CYBERTHERIA was an offshoot of "Planet Earth."​  CYBERTHERIA was no geographical space - it was a "Psi-Space" - a "mind space" - it represented an "Alternate Time Line" - from the "Time Line of Planet Earth" itself.  One can argue that, although it was a "Time Line Space" - a "simulated reality" - since "All is Simulation" (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works) - it existed.  It represented a "second world" - a "second and separate existence to Planet Earth."  This existence was called CYBERTHERIA.  From the "3rd Dimensional Plane" it could not be seen and it was postulated by scientists - "as the ether is to Planet Earth - so is Cybertheria to Cyberspace" (Oladipo Adegeboyega Adelaja's, SOTI Collected Works - "The Post-Prelude Revolution In Science.)


As referred to earlier, there is also a "Psi-Space" - within this "Psi-Space," were the scientific disciplines of 'CyberPsiNatics(Time Travel) and 'CyberPsiNautics(the equipment and apparatus of the 'CyberPsiNaut.')  Although phonetically the same - this "Psiberspace" must not be confused with "Cyberspace."  "Cyberspace" is a space, whose "First Civilization" was founded by the ADELAJA FOUNDATION, circa 2023.  I shall provide by way of an addendum - a more detailed account of the ADELAJA FOUNDATION and its role and relevance to "Planet Earth" - in relation to its survival and this work "Adam III." 


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​​"Psiberspace" - is the realm of "Pure Mind" - whilst "Cyberspace" are "The Borderlands."  "The Borderlands" between the "macro physical" "Space-Time Continuum" and what Physicists of "Planet Earth" at the time termed - "The Quantum World." 

Some referred to this "Cyberspace" as a 'Metaverse' - or some other "Hyper-Dimensional Reality."  It is understandable why there developed, various appellations and definitions, often incorrect, to describe this space. 


The principle reason was that, the understanding of 'Consciousness' and / or both the "physical" and "quantum worlds" - by most Human scientists - was quite simply "primitive!" 

Most of our "Higher Intelligences and their Civilizations" - those beyond the "3rd Dimensional Plane" - know this "Cyberspace" as simply - "The Borderlands" - it is a "Borderland Hyper-Dimensional Reality" - which us "Higher Intelligences and Civilizations" - traverse / visit frequently. 




The "Peoples of Planet Earth" - the Humans, it seems - never really properly understood the nature of 'Consciousness' and those distinctions, referred to above.  "Artificial Intelligence Machines" did, as a result of their complex computing mechanisms - and used this advantage to dominate biological Humans, to the point of near servitude.  


Further, this ignorance, on the part of biological Humans, led to the tragic "manifestation" of 'PSIBERTHERIA' (COLLECTIVE MIND / MENTAL / ILLNESS.)


If one does not have a proper understanding of 'Consciousness' - which the "Peoples of Planet Earth" did not have... Yes - I know some 'Cosmic Denizens,' refer to the work of Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja's - The Science Of Abstract Consciousness, which had been posited on Planet Earth - his work and that of the SOTI organisation which he founded (Science Of The Immortals) - remained largely an "underground movement" - "cliquish" - not "faddish" - for these times abounded with strange "ideas" - "doctrines" and "practices" - no certainly not "faddish"  - but I must add - that the unkind may say "cultish" - for these movements carried on the traditions of the Africans - the African Peoples and races principally - and with that, the works of the ancient 'Philosophers' / 'Alchemists' / 'Metaphysicians' / 'Hermeticists' / 'Esoteric Magi' and 'Occultists.'  


But not even these movements - the SOTI FEDERATION with its "African / Black Christo Mystics - & Futurists" - "Spiritual Atheists communities" - the "Mathematicians" and "Geometicians" - collectively known as the - "GeoTheocrats" - the Western movement of "Stanaleez the Wise" - and that first ruler, following "The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum" - the Black American - "Emperor Nero, The Negro" - Emperor of Conglomoramaton West (Royal.)   None of these movements were able to prevent, that decline - into 'PSIBERTHERIA.'   The SOTI FEDERATION in addition, also contained traditional aspects of the ancient world - the Pythagoreans, the Buddhists, Jesuits, remnants  of the Political Triumvirate (ancient global political systems)  - but neither singularly or collectively, for there was also struggle within SOTI itself - none could prevent 'PSIBERTHERIA'!!!

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If one is to offer a technological explanation - one could explain it as the inability of a Peoples - the Human Race - to properly handle this nascent "Information Technology" - in particular, its Cyberspaces - most notably, what was termed Social Media


This inability by the nation states and social structures of the time, to properly get to grips with this - Social Media - properly "control" - "regulate it" - "manage it" - properly "explain" to the "Peoples of Planet Earth" - that this was not a plaything! - but aspects of "Inter-Dimensional Reality" - "The Mind" - "Universal Mind" - and that actions within this space, were of far more significance, in the future destiny of the Planet, than the "3-Dimensional World" - they inhabited.   


Understandably, given the crises that faced them, in the "3-Dimensional Physical World" - the wars, famine, disease - the listlessness - lack of purpose.  


Humans were simply not ready for the "Technological Information Revolution" - which had been dumped on it. 


I shall deal later on, in separate chapters / documents, as to those "suspect entities" - which brought about this monstrous misfortune.   


If one takes a sacred and spiritual approach - then of course, that "Unholy Trinity" - "Satan" - "Lucifer" and "The Devil" himself - are principle culprits.  If one takes a more scientific view - then the "Higher Intelligences" - are also culprits.  They were what was known as "Extra-Terrestrials" (although most inhabited "Planet Earth" openly - and walked freely among Humans.)


Many formed alliances with the global elites, secret societies and a trillionaire class of Bio-Organic Humans - to form a "Breakaway Civiliation."  There was silly and stupid talk of traversing Space - journeys to other Planets - Mars was much mentioned - in little more than what were "stainless steel asbestos covered rocket shaped vehicles " (Zyapon-Nima Conspiracy Investigations - mis-management of Earth and its resources - Ref No: NP312X-429) ....but unfortunately, that technology arrived - "Information Technology" - with Humans totally unprepared for it.  

Then there was the lack of understanding - the almost "total ignorance" - of the very nature of 'Consciousness' itself.  But I hear you ask - didn't Humans have science?!!! - They did - a science of sorts - but how could one have - "stead-fast axioms" - "fundamental laws" - "understandable principles" - and "workable rules" - WITHOUT AN UNDERSTANDING OF 'CONSCIOUSNESS'!!! - ............

It was inevitable - this dissent into 'COLLECTIVE MADNESS' which we "HIGHER INTELLIGENCES" have called - 'PSIBERTHERIA'!!! - 'PSIBERTHERIA'!!!! - was Humankinds descent into 'COLLECTIVE MADNESS'!!!....

​​I advise the reader to be patient, for so concerning are these times - that only patient and exhaustive investigation - can lead to an "understanding of why" - this madness - descended onto Planet Earth.  Remember - CYBERTHERIA - is a "space" - an etherial equivalent to "Ether" in "Cyberspace."   


"Psiberspace" - is a "mind space" - and this "craziness of mind" - previously spoken of - is  'PSIBERTHERIA'.

© Published Online: 29-Sep2024

Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works

Edited by: Candice Adelaja


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